It might help. The stabilizer is basically a small flasher, it gets 12V then
a spring heats up and bends to lose contact making 0V. Back and forth
quickly enough that it "averages" ~10V. If you put a voltmeter on the output
side you can see this in action.
Larry Miller
"Nothing Is Foolproof To A Sufficiently Talented Fool"
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:25 AM
Subject: Dash Lights
> Just had a brain fa*t while reading a post on the guage and voltage
> for dash guages and got to wondering.
> The Radio Shack 7.5 volt bulbs are supposed to be great for illumination
> the instruments, but don't last long because we run them at 12 volts.
> Is there a way to run the dash lights throught the voltage resistor (or to
> buy a new one and wire it in) so that we get the benefit of bright dash
> lights and still have the bulbs last awhile?
> The triumph guys would love to hear if this would work, unless they found
> fix after I dropped off the list last year.
> Wake up electrical guys..inquiring minds want to know. Just want the info
> you understand, it's too hot to work on the car here too.
> Robert Houston