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Re: Isadora Duncan

To: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Isadora Duncan
From: "Steve Byers" <byers@cconnect.net>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 19:17:44 -0400
Reply-to: "Steve Byers" <byers@cconnect.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Ungewollte Strangulation durch ein Fahrzeug: Der Tod von Isadora Duncan

von Mark Benecke

aus: Rechtsmedizin 7, pp. 28-29, 1996 

Accidental Strangulation Caused by a Vehicle: The Death of Isadora Duncan
Isadora Duncan, one of the world�s most famous dancers, died on 14.
September 1927 by accidental strangulation caused by a vehicle. Sitting on
the front passenger�s seat, Duncan�s scarf came into the the spokes of the
rear wheel of a Bugatti. The driver, Duncan�s friend Ivan Falchetto could
not see Duncan while looking forward but immediatly stopped immediately
after 20 m. Duncan died at the scene. In the hospital, fractures of the
nose, the spinal column and the larynx were oberved; furthermore, cartids
were torn. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the accident in
forensic literature.

Steve Byers
Havelock, NC USA
'73 Midget GAN5UD126009G  "OO NINE"
"It is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool
than to speak, and remove all doubt"  -- Mark Twain

> From: Larry Macy <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>
> To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Isadora Duncan
> Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 3:12 PM
> Unfortunately - no mention of the type of car.
> Larry
>            PARIS, FRANCE--Isadora Duncan, the American dancer,
>            tonight met a tragic death at Nice on the Riviera. According
>            dispatches from Nice Miss Duncan was hurled in an
>            extraordinary manner from an open automobile in which she
>            was riding and instantly killed by the force of her fall to
>            stone pavement.

[remainder excised.]

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