>You recently shared your thoughts about the Ignitor electronic ignition for
>my sprite. I decided to get one, but when I called Northern Auto they
>didn't know what one to sell me. So I called Pertronix a few times, and
>they're not sure either. I looked at my distributor, and I think it is a
>number 40919E (it was a bit hard to read, since the numbers face down and I
>had to use a small mirror to see them). I switched the car from positive
>to negative ground, and the folks at Pertronix say that the reason they
>don't list this distributor is because it was originally positive ground.
>One person guessed that it was an Ignitor LU142A, but that was just a
>So, do you happen to know what model Ignitor would fit my distributor? Do
>you know what model your ignitor is and your distributor number, or if it
>fits all distributors on 1275 engines? I don't know if the 1275
>distributors are all close enough that they would take the same Ignitor.
I have a 23D4 (I think) centrifugal only dist. (no vacuum advance)
I ordered part # LU142A and it seems to be working fine.
Hope that helps.