Hey when I got my sprite about 3 years ago it had to broken hinges. The
crack along the sides. I just welded them back together and haven't had a
problem since
Matthew Smith
'67 Sprite
> Becky Hart wrote:
> >
> > Thanks to all who've responded. What the guy's telling me now is that
> > taking out the dashboard will take eight hours and they need an
> > electrician. Does this sound about right? It seems excessive. I'll talk
> > to the manager tomorrow. One of the hinges is broken, so thats why it
> > has to come off the car.
> >
> > Becky Hart wrote:
> > >
> > > My '67 Midget is in the body shop getting worked on and they can't
> > > figure out how to take off the bonnet hinges. They say there's not
> > > enough room to reach behind the dashboard(barely enough room to get a
> > > wrench in there) Is there some kind of a trick to it? Please help. I
> > > have the Porter book, but I can't find anything in there.
> > >
> > > Becky
> Sounds like these "professionals" need a dose of attitude re-adjustment.
> 8 hours to take out a Spridget dash and replace a broken hinge is a
> crock. One hour tops. Talk to the manager and if he is a big a moron as
> his employees then flatbed the car straight out of there. You'll be glad
> you did in the long run.
> How the heck do you "break" a hinge anyway? Are they bullsh**ting you or
> what?
> Daniel T.