just a side light on Jays comment about safety.... Let me see how well I
can fool you into (or my wife for that matter) understanding how safe a
Race car is!!!!!!! and to show how serious this subject is at two hundred
plus miles and hour... in case your curious....
Wheel Lug nuts.... min 1"
wheels must be welded all the way around
tires must be approved
ten point roll cage
5 point seat belt
arm and leg restraints
supported seat
two on board fire systems... 5lbs for the engine 10lbs for the driver
5lbs for the chase vehicle
SFI rated boots gloves head sock... SFI15 fire suit
Snell 95 or up Helmet....with visor to be down for the Run
1/4" thick scattersheild for the Clutch
driveshaft loop
all Suspension parts must have a positive safety... or self locking nut
That isn't all of it but you must demonstrate your ability to pull the fire
handles and exit the vehicle to a tech inspector... and in my case I must
have two tech inspectors as the car will be capable of over two hundred....
Keith Turk BN2, AN5, AN9, Bonneville Camero LSR