I love this idea and will be digging through Kermit photos for a worthy one.
Please keep us posted.
Thank you.
At , you wrote:
>At 01:02 PM 2/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>I am contemplating putting together a Spridget T shirt, (as most of you
>>know photo T shirts are part of my family business).
>>The question is - are any of you willing to send me a photograph of your
>>car/cars, club emblems, or other LBC related graphics. These can be
>>returned to you after I scan the images. I don't want any copyrighted
>>material unless it is accompanied by permission to copy. This includes
>>professional photographs and registered trademarks and the like....
>>This is just an idea at this point and will depend upon the responses I
>>Also suggestions are welcome.