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Re: Rear end drain plug tool

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Rear end drain plug tool
From: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 09:44:40 -0800
Reply-to: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
MOT test is a Ministry Of Transportation vehicle safety and emissions test. It
is compulsory - you get a new licence/insurance without it. It also ensures that
rusted cars get quick bodged repairs or get scrapped which can be a good thing
depending on your viewpoint.
---------------------- Forwarded by Alan Inglis/BC Research/CA on 02/09/99 09:43
AM ---------------------------

"Geoff Branch" <branch@valinet.com> on 02/09/99 04:54:03 AM

Please respond to "Geoff Branch" <branch@valinet.com>
 To:      spridgets@autox.team.net                            
 cc:      (bcc: Alan Inglis/BC Research/CA)                   
 Subject: Re: Rear end drain plug tool                        

Daniel-  I was reading a Mini World magazine and was wondering what the
"MOT" is.  Seems to be a tax with some expiration date?  Or is it what we in
the U.S. call a "registration"?

Geoff Branch
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel1312@aol.com <Daniel1312@aol.com>
To: richard.arnold@juno.com <richard.arnold@juno.com>;
spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Monday, February 08, 1999 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: Rear end drain plug tool

>In a message dated 08/2/1999  1:30:34PM,  richard.arnold@juno.com writes:
><< We've seen some good suggestions on how to make an appropriate tool for
> removing Spridget drain plugs.  I'm just wondering, did anyone else
> replace their plug(s) with a more normal one when they changed their
> fluid? >>
>Hi Richard, list,
>The 'new world' must be a strange place.  here in the 'old country' you
>buy the proper tool that looks like a metal dog bone and fits any number of
>axle drain plugs including the one on the Spridget (which is always turn up
>really tight).  The other end of the 'bone has a square orifice that undoes
>the filler plug on the back axle.  Cost just a few pounds each - every
>should have one - put on the Valentines present list, below the Snap-On
>wrenches (Cupid is bringing me a Snap-On Phillips screwdriver this year!).
>Daniel 1312

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