Bill & Cindy wrote:
> My money is on Frank to be the first to respond with a spot on
> there the gauntlet has been thrown down to the list...the challenge has
> been made!
> will anyone be able to beat Frank?
I"m first! I win!
But for an engine stand I just use the work bench and an old towel.
The engine is managable by hand. One person can pick it up and carry it
a short distance. You can carry the short block anywhere!
For my long term rebuilds (3 or 4 days) I just stick the engine on the
work bench and cover it with a towel when no work is in progress.
For short term rebuilds, I don't bother lifting them up to the work
bench, I just do it on the floor infront of the Sprite.
Seriously, long term would only mean the machine shop has the block for
a long time. (my case more then once) Once you have the machined block
in your garage or basement (kitchen tables and engines are cause for
and you ordered all the parts the machine shop told you too, a rebuild
is only a few hours work.
Kevin Valentine had a perfect engine stand. His pic-nic table.
Other then these simple home remedies, any store bought 29.95 engine
stand will work.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
The bug in the rice bowl