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Two More for Sprite Heaven

To: "spridgets" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Two More for Sprite Heaven
From: "Steve Byers" <byers@cconnect.net>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 21:34:46 -0400
Reply-to: "Steve Byers" <byers@cconnect.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
While tooling around on some back roads last weekend, about 25 miles from
home in the middle of nowhere, I spied two 1275 Sprites parked nose to tail
outside a country body shop.    Stopped to look at them, and they were
pretty rough.  I thought both of them were too far gone to salvage as
complete cars, but maybe whoever owned them would sell parts.  One of them
has the pollution stuff still there and the other one was missing the head,
but the entire headless engine, including the head surface,  was sprayed
gold.   Neither of them had a top and both interiors were rotten, but the
dash stuff was intact.  One of them is minus a trunk floor and all the
external rear body sheet metal from the trunk floor down. 
Called the guy today, and no, he won't part them out.  "I plan to restore
them, but would take $1200 for both".  

Steve Byers
Havelock, NC USA
'73 Midget GAN5UD126009G  "OO NINE"
"It is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool
than to speak, and remove all doubt"  -- Mark Twain

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