I've got to do something about the transmission in my '66 Sprite. Let
me state that I don't want to convert to a five speed due to the type
of driving I do with the car.
Here is my situation:
The tranny on the '66 is popping out of first gear and is getting
worse. The other gears seem very good. I have a '69 parts car with
a complete tranny. I have no history with this tranny and neither
does the PO. It has been suggested that I avoid putting the '69 in
my car as is - it is probably as bad, if not worse, than the '67's.
Which tranny should I have rebuilt or should I send both in hopes of
finding enough good parts for one unit? Because the car is 400 miles
away, I gain no advantage in using the car as is while waiting for
the rebuilt one to show up. Where should I send it? Where should I
go for replacement parts? I guess I ought to replace the clutch
while I'm in there. Where should I get a new clutch? Testimonials
would be great - where to go and where not to go.
Help! Help! Help!
Paul A. Dolloff, Ph.D.
Lexington, KY
'66 A/H Sprite MK III: HAN8l-59017
'69 A/H Sprite MK IV: Parts car
606/744-4812 ext. 389