HELP!!!! Man, this is embarassing....but here goes...I have been trying
for two weeks now to get the right shock off of the '72 parts car that I
have in the back yard. One of the bolts seems to be welded into the
hole. The shock and the bolt turn together when you try to get the bolt
I stripped the head of the bolt using a socket wrench. Resorted to vice
grips thinking that would do it. It didn't. It just made things
worse. Went to a parts store and got a bolt extractor by Sears
Craftsman and drilled a hole into the head of the bolt. Put in the
extractor and turned it hard and it snapped OFF!!! Now, the extractor
nub is STUCK in the BOLT!?!?!?! I can't drill and there's nothing to
grab to turn the bolt.......?!?!?!?!?!?!
Now what do I do? Can you just come down to my house and take it out
for me??? Just kidding...
I am afraid that I am going to ruin the body of the shock trying to get
it out and then it won't be rebuildable. I've soaked it in rust eater
and all kinds of lubricants. I even heated the head of the bolt before
I tore it off with the extractor. Now, I have just a nub barely
sticking up out of the hole. The shock is loose, but it won't come off
the bolt!! The other two bolts came out the way MOWOG intended.
Is this worth messing with or should I just buy a new shock and forget
the old one. I guess if I would calm down, I could take one off the '74
and send it to you with the other one off the '72, but then I couldn't
drive my '74. How long would it take to get the shocks back, once I
mail them off to you??
Any ideas would be helpful....
Thanks in advance,
The SHOCKED... Monty Love