Hello Fellow Listers: After tracking various sources for a original
appearing ribbed door liner material and not having had much luck due to the
width & depth / ribs per inch count, thickness. I finally got around to
pounding the pavement and finding a replacement that was as close a match to
my original sample. I was digging through an industrial matting mfg.'s
samples and found a sample that was closer than any sent to me or otherwise.
Then the stockman told me that that was a material no longer manufactured
but upon my insistence he dug through his old rolls in the back and found a
full roll of the correct material, (had mfg.. date of the early 70's). Was
able to aquire a strip for samples / but can only purchase in full lots
(i.e.) full rolls. Material in a full roll is enough for 37 sets of liners.
My question is how many individuals would be interested in purchasing enough
material (1 linear yd.) which is the amount needed for a bugeye. The
material is ribbed vinyl, not rubber so it can be sprayed with PPG UCV vinyl
spray to the correct colour as the material is molded in black. This will be
a onetime offer only as he has no more and informed me that all mfg..
currently has smaller and greater # of ribs per inch. Approx.. cost would be
around $43.00 per Yd. + shipping
Depending upon responses will determine if roll can be purchased. I have
samples strips for inspection upon private E-Mail requests. I would also
like to hear comments or verification that the material is closest to
correct currently available.
Thanks ( Ps) sorry for taking up so much bandwidth