Hi Gang,
Is the section that holds the guages and toggle switches on the Mk. III
dash removable from the rest of the dash? The dash on the '66 I have
acquired has two holes about the diameter of toggle switches cut into it
just below the ignition / fuel guages, etc, in line with the lower line
of toggle switches. They are about 1/2 inch apart centered in the
dash. There are also two small holes for screws on either side. Are
these original or DPO modifications?
I would like to get the dash back in shape and have access to another
that I think does not have any holes. Is the center area with the holes
the area where the Sprite dash motif goes? I have not seen any of these
in the ususl suspects' catalogs, and do not know how they attach. Are
they still available?
'79 with cracks but no holes
'67 un hole(y)
'66 with a hole(ier) than thou dash.