Picked up my Autopower Rollbar from Moss and it really looks great and
fits great. Problem is I don't now...so it is going back to Moss. It
was a dry run so no holes to fill.
It easily sucks up two inches leg room and I am not a small guy.
My wife laughed at me as I forced my way in and nearly got stuck on the
way out.
The bar is a good one..well made, goes all the way to the floor, small
diagonal to the rear wheel wheels, works with the top, doesn't come near
your head. I am bummed I don't fit in it!
Has anyone got any experience with other makes of bars or maybe seats
that would leave more room? I drive with the stock seats up tight
against the rear bulkhead.
Ric Bergstrom, Richmond, VA 73-74 Midget, 88 Volvo
Central Virginia MG Classics WWW.CENTRALVAMG.COM
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Berkeley Plantation. E-mail me for info or see the website.