Bob (if I may use your first name),
You make a lot of very good points in your post. I read and kept a copy of your
supplier list and use it extensively. Almost, if not all of the parts for my
two Spridgets come from the U.K. I have been very happy.
In regards to Frank's letter to Moss on behalf of the list; I was trying to
make two points (and was not trying to flame anyone):
First, Moss is not concerned one little bit about quality or about satisfying
the desires of a few hardcore enthusiasts. They are a multi-million dollar
company which sells to the mass market. The vast majority of their clientelle
are the fly by night sort of armchair mechanics who are more than happy to open
their wallets for low quality but good looking parts that they can install
themselves and look good at the shopping center parking lot tomorrow. I am not
blaming Moss for this. For those who are a little more serious and are tired of
poor quality: use your brain and shop elsewhere. They occupy a place in the
market and I am sure they extract a very decent profit from it. The local guy
here who distributes Moss owns three houses, a Viper, and three brand new Jags.
He is a businessman first and an enthusiast second (or third, or fourth.....)
In my opinion, we are just wasting our time sending insulting letters to Moss.
If I was them, I would not care either. Follow the law of the consumer: take
your business elsewhere!
Second, I understand that it is frustrating to spend hard earned money on cheap
quality parts. What I did not like was the constant reference to "Chinese".
Like the thread on cat tossing a few weeks ago, this is how we teach
discrimination and intolerance in our children. Why not just say "cheap" rather
than associate it with a particular race of people.
I very much like the list and will support it to the end, I just think we have
better things to do.
I didn't see or read into Frank's post any
Chinese/Taiwanese/Japanese/Malaynese/Italian bashing. I read pure, who enjoy
these cars.)
A year or more ago, I put up a post regarding the purchase of parts from
England. If any people want it reposted, or want it sent e-mail, just let me
Bob Evans
Anaheim, California
Frogeyes AN 5L/762, AN 5L/26893