I just bought a new front bearing kit for my '65. What you describe for
the outer bearing looks like my new outer bearing. I buy a lot of my stuff
from Atlanta Imported Auto Parts, including this bearing set. They are
experienced. Due to your posts and the experiences of one of the members of
the local chapter of the AHCA, I queried AIAP about these new bearings.
According to them, you can't get a straight replacement for spridget front
bearings anymore. The bearings they sold me are the same ones that they've
sold for several years. They also race with them. They also said that there
are many suppliers of these bearings and that they have not had problems
with any of them. Mine say 'England' and 'thrust' on the outside of the
larger race. The AHCA member had problems with a set made in Taiwan.
Hope this helps,
>And so it goes on...
>...This is going to be hard to describe, but I'll try.
>The old outer bearing seems flat and even across the inner and outer races.
> This is the same look as the new =inner= bearings. The new =outer=
>bearings (the smaller ones) almost have a tiered effect. They have the
>outer race at the lowest height, next come the ball bearings themselves
>poking just ever so slightly over the lip of the outer race (if memory
>serves correctly), next a sort of plastic looking inner race and even in
>height with that is the metal center ring. Did anyone follow that?
Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, Molecular Vision
"Seeing the Future in a Very Tiny Way"