My tacho stopped dead the other day aswellas I was driving . It used to come
back on every now and then especially when accelerating/decelerating. This
happened together with the fuel gauge
going dead. I was pretty stumped for a while but I think I traced it back to
the fusebox. I could find absolutely nothing else! I sprayed some contact
cleaner on the spades and the fuse and wiggled them a bit. The problem
hasn't resurfaced.
'66 Sprite MKIII
> -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Editors, Molecular Vision []
> Gesendet am: Montag, 22. Juni 1998 18:40
> An: Amy Turner;
> Betreff: Re: dead tach
> We have a pseudo winner! Yes, that's right folks, Amy and Paul got the
> bonus part of our question right: The song was "Uneasy Rider" by Charlie
> Daniels. Quite apropos for someone who has been Spriteless for a week.
> But, since they didn't answer the real question, that is, how did I screw
> up my tachometer, we can't give them the prize. :( So very sorry!
> Johnny, tell our lucky couple what they almost won.
> That's right Bob, if Amy and Paul had answered correctly and fully, they
> would have won an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2010 Spridget Tour of the
> Moon! This prize included all airfare and lodging charges plus the cost of
> transport for the Spridget of their choice. (Interstellar driver's
> licensing not included.)
> Thank you, Johnny. Unfortunately for the rest of the list, Amy and Paul
> have spilled the beans. No more bonus points, but we're still looking for
> that answer to:
> How did Jeffrey screw up his tachometer? Operators are standing by...
> At 10:04 PM -0500 6/21/98, Amy Turner wrote:
> > Jeff Boatright wrote:
> > >
> > > ...I've been Spriteless for a week and I'm getting cranky (you
> > > can call home and ask my wife!)
> > >
> > > Bonus points: What song is that last parenthetical from?
> >
> > "Uneasy Rider" - Charlie Daniels?
> >
> > If I'm correct, how can I redeem my points? :)
> >
> > Amy T. and Paul, who was the source of the answer
> Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
> Senior Editor, Molecular Vision
> 404-778-4113