I'd go back and retorque the wheels too.
I watched one guy go around in a circle from loose to tight in one pass.
I went out and made him loosen them and tighten them in a star pattern
and in several passes. He didn't HAVE a torque wrench! (Sam's Club)
I guess if you can't stock shelves they put you in the garage...
They just (air) wrench them down and walk away. Warping rotors or the
wheels falling off.....no common sense.
Ric Bergstrom, Richmond, VA 73-74 Midget, 88 Volvo
Central Virginia MG Classics WWW.CENTRALVAMG.COM
COME TO RICHMOND---September 19th-20th Richmond British Car Days at
Berkeley Plantation. E-mail me for info or see the website.
On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 12:13:24 -0400 Chuck Ciaffone <chuckc@ibm.net>
>Instead of swapping the new Michelins to the
>back, I let out about 6 psi per tire, and made
>sure they were evenly pressured. Don't you just
>love the Finesse of the Sears mechanics who mount
>and balance the tires?
>Handles much better now. The new Michelins on the front
>give it a lighter, quicker feel. Takes some getting
>used to, but I like it.
>chuck ciaffone chuckc@ibm.net