OK OK, I called one outfit once and they had a pretty high minimum order.
I should try again. Powder coating sounds like the right thing for wheels
and if you say that it masks imperfections, I'll try it...
Doing it the way I described earlier is a lot of work and the good primers
and paints from the auto paint store added up $$ anyway.
On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 GMari58175@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-06-19 01:31:47 EDT, ulix@u.washington.edu writes:
> << Are you telling me that this baked engine paint can save me all this
> work?!
> Could you give instructions on the baking (temp and time) and how bad does
> it smell?
> >>
> You guys are nuts! Why go through all that time trouble and money. For
> about $20.00 per wheel have them professionally powder coated. The stuff is
> tough as nails and it covers pretty thick so as to mask any imperfectings .
> have done tons of wheels this way and always pleased. before anyone asks I
> use Boyko Inc., in Newark, NJ. Crappy area of a crappy city but boy can they
> powder coat.
> george marinos
> sprite MKII AN6
> glen rock, nj
Ulix __/__,__
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
'67 Sprite