The K&N should breath better than the original, which would mean more air.
If you increase the air to fuel ratio then you will be running lean. When
you pull out the choke you are cutting down on the amount of air, richening
the mixture.
So, to answer your question, yes, you need to adjust the carb. This is
assuming the timing, plug gap, and everything else has been set correctly.
Good luck
Robert Weeks
Durham NC
1969 Midget
1968-70 Abitza
At 8:41 AM -0400 6/8/98, Dr. Glenn C. Grant wrote:
>Sorry about a question about MGBs but I know there are some people out there
>with multiple LBC interests so thought I would try.
>Just installed a new K&N filter on a 78 MGB in place of the original
>equipment - Zenith carburetor (no pollution control equipment or other
>complications). Car runs well on the driveway or during acceleration but
>once up to cruising speed the motor falters and sounds as if it is going to
>stall out. When I pull the choke out it helps and the motor sounds almost
>Would the K&N change the needle setting and is there a need to readjust.
>Thought I should ask before I fiddle with the carb - never adjusted a Zenith
>carb before, always had SUs .
>Thank you, glenn
>Dr. Glenn C. Grant
>78 MGB, 71 Midget
>65 Porsche, 93 Harley