At the Sprite rush Peter Samaroo kindly helped get my Bugeye running better.
He pointed out that the throttle shafts on my 1" + 1/8" S.U. 's are worn and
I buy a pair of oversize shafts from Moss (part # 376-015) and a reamer to
install them.
Moss says the reamer will allow installation of throttle shafts twenty
thousands larger than
the normal 5/16th's shafts. So far so good.
Now the reamer is actually a beautiful piece of steel rod that has cutting
threads in the center,
the whole thing is slightly tapered and the aft end is squared to put a
wrench on it to turn it
thru the carb body. The fore end mic's to .3120 (just a tad under 5/16
which is .3125) fine. the aft end is up to .3230 Now, first question,
isn't that difference just TEN thousand's and
not TWENTY thousand's?
The throtle shafts them selfs which ARE marked as oversize aren't even
5/16th's. They measure .2590 a bit over 1/4" (.250) actually just under
33/128th's .... now this is almost 1/16" SMALLER than the hole that the
reamer would put in the carbs. This makes me think maybe there are bushing
involved here. A look at the Moss catalog sure as hell shows part #
330-490 throttle shaft bushings. . .. but nothing about "oversize" bushings.
Seems like if I ream out anything, the shafts will just slop around.
So guys, what's the procedure here? There's gotta be some information I'm
missing !? Uninformed minds need to know with DETAIL .... help/please.