Teles are not necessary, but they are nice.
The cheapest solution is to check your existing shocks.
With a 11/16", 5/8", and 9/16" spanners, you can remove the
shocks. With the body of the shock in a vice, move the lever
up and down. If it is stiff and smooth, they are probably OK.
If it jerks (variable resistance) or is very easy to move, then
check the oil level.
A good indicator of leaking shocks is oil/dirt to be on the shock body.
Either ATF, or 30wt motorcycle fork oil is Fine. top up the shock
through the filler bolt on the top of the shock.
If a top up cures the probem, it may still only be temporary if the
shock is leaking....
Don't do what the PO of one of my sprites did and install them
upside down (on the wrong side of the car). This caused to bounce
around over the bumps...
Work bushes (the metalastik ones in the front of the spring and the rubber
ones at the rear will also cause it to bounce around.
-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Penney <>
To: Spridget Mailing List <>
Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 7:39 PM
Subject: Suspension
> I am having a lot of fun playing with my sprite and it's time I got around
>to replacing the very perished bushes in my rear suspension ( front has to
>wait until I have the money ).
>I could just replace the bushes and be done with it but I have the problem
>of VERY firm suspension and want to know should I be looking at the whole
>picture. Are some of kits with telescopic shocks a good way to go?
>I know Sprites are meant to be firm but mine jumps lanes at the slightest
>bump and the roads round here are terrible. It feels like I have no
>at all but the bounce test says to me ( a complete layman ) that the shocks
>are OK.
>So HELP! :-)
>1965 MKIIIA Sprite
>Melbourne, Australia