1) This week I acquired a replacement assembly for the left front parking
light on my '72 Midget. I broke the previous assembly. The replacement
assembly is from an unknown source, it was bought for me by a friend at a
swap meet I didn't attend. The replace has a clip attached to the wiring
harness that comes out of the back rubber boot at the rear of the assembly.
The assembly that I removed and the one on the right side of my car does not
have a clip. My question is where is the clip attached. I have looked in
the wheel well and I can not see a threaded hole for a screw or a protruding
screw where the clip can be mounted. Can anyone tell me where to attach the
2) The head light wiring harness(s) also do not have mounting clip(s).
Should they have? If so, where do they mount?
Thanks for any help
Bill Noel
phone (614)424-4917
fax (614)424-3152