Lucas strikes again!
Maybe an electrical engineer can explain this one!
60 Sprite/ Horn
The horn quite on my Sprite, I picked up a junk yard horn, 12 volts, 2
Tested the horn with 2 wires to the battery, horn goes Beep Beep.
Hooked up horn to cars harness, no beep beep.
Checked button, all is good.
Checked for 12 volts where wires hook to horn, 12.8 volts, same as battery.
Checked ground from horn push to horn terminal, all was good.
Hooked up test light, pushed horn button, test light lit...
Re-checked horn, it works when hooked to battery.
hooked up horn and test light to horn terminals, light lit, horn did not
Now I am confused, I know the horn works, I have 12 volts (checked with
meter) at the horn terminals and the ground is completed when the button is
It should work. It does not.
My son said "Lucas Dad" that was his answer.
Anybody else care to give a more reasonable answer?
Frank Clarici
Seeing all of you at Sprite Rush 98
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