The conversion involves using an adapter or replacement hub to mount a
Spitfire rotor then using a MGB caliper which bolts on in place of the
Sprite caliper. It is available form Mini-Mania and The Winner's Circle.
As this is a high performance conversion it would normally be used without
the splash shield. The splash shield holds heat in the rotor and is not
benificial from a performance standpoint. I have run both Pro-Rally cars
and street cars without the splash shields and have never missed them.
At 08:41 PM 2/23/98 -0500, Tom Shirley wrote:
>Larry and Sandi Miller wrote:
>> Question #3
>> Anyone out there done the MGB/Spitfire brake conversion? Does anyone know
>> if the Spitfire backing plate will work on the Sprite?
>I must have missed this. Can someone fill me in on this conversion? What
>are the advantages, parts required, etc.?