Okay, so I have this real tricked out 1500 block that I built, right,
and it's running GREAT - I haven't romped on it yet because I havne't
hit 500 miles yet (I'm at 211 and running great!). I open up the
throttle a little on the highway doing 50 and it shifts me comfortably
in my seat as it springs to life and growls under the acceleration.
It makes me giddy!
But I let off - don't wanna go over 55. Yet.
The land of race car ya yas.
Where was I - oh yes, wheelspin!
I can't spin my rear wheels. Well, except in mud. But pavement -
nothing. My clutch just kind of slips into gear. Now don't get me
wrong, it slips into gear really quickly - but it won't peel out or
anything. Does anyone else's stock 1500 gearbox allow them to lay down
thanks -
-- ___
__.o,\____ * Eric Mumford * ('v') -> BA-KUK!
/__ \ / _ ) * mumford@rpi.edu * (( ))
(+)`---(+) * http://travolta.stu.rpi.edu * --"---"--o