well my midget, after about 60 miles, died in a parking lot lastnight.
i turned off theignition, went to see my friend, came back downwith her
to go for a ride, and midget wouldn't start. almost as if it were out
of gas. so i run to the gas station inmy mazda and get a tank for
it,but still nothing. i took theboot off plug 4 andit sparks to the
chassis when i try to start it so i'm getting spark.
my fuel pump was new 6 months ago.. i would hope it is still
functional! i guess the pump just isn't getting any gas. i cant figure
it out...
-- ___
__.o,\____ * Eric Mumford * ('v') -> BA-KUK!
/__ \ / _ ) * mumford@rpi.edu * (( ))
(+)`---(+) * http://travolta.stu.rpi.edu * --"---"--o