> Is the kit that Vic Brit sells for $900 worth it?
How much time do you have on your hands?
My brother and I re-upholstered the inside of his '76 Midget with grey
carpeting manually. In other words, bought a $35 surplus roll of 9' by
12' carpeting, measured out each panel, and cut them to size. Took
about 30-40 hours. With a kit you save a lot of hassle of cutting
carpet. It's your call.
To be honest, if I had to do it again, I would probably break down and
buy the kit. My brother's only 16 though and we're on a shoestring
budget for him.
-- ___
__.o,\____ * Eric Mumford * ('v') -> BA-KUK!
/__ \ / _ ) * mumford@rpi.edu * (( ))
(+)`---(+) * http://travolta.stu.rpi.edu * --"---"--o