Thanks for the help. I think I will start on the side curtains next
week. Should I use a blow dryer to heat the old windows to help remove them?
Right now I am very carefully removing the original blue rubber mats
from my 61 Bug-I. I plan to spec them out and draw them in autocad (good
practice for me) and submit them to a rubber molding company that has cad/cam
to make the molds. I know that people have tried this in the past and failed.
Got to try just because "they" say it can't be done (you know it's an Engineer
thing). I have one big problem. In "Original Sprite & Midget" on pages 24-25
& 71 they show the tunnel mat to be one piece, in my car the the mat is two
pieces like the later carpet kits. Anybody with rubber mats in their Bug-I
know about this???????????