It's easier, IMHO, to remove the engine and gear box separately. Just undo
the bolts that hold the tranny to the engine, and wiggle, and it'll come
loose. Make sure to support the front of the tranny. Once the engine is
out of the way, the slave cylinder is easy to get to.
At 12:09 PM 1/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm fixing to pull the engine and tranny from my '70 Midget (1275). I've
>never done this job before. I've got everything disconnected except:
> Gearbox bracket removed from body
> Slave cylinder removed from bell-housing
>The latter, I can get the lower mounting bolt removed, but the upper one
>seems obscured by a "frame rail" (sic). I'm tempted to just remove the
>hydraulic line, but I'd like to avoid catching the fluid and bleeding the
>clutch later.
>The gearbox bracket, the book says there are 2 set bolts on either side
>of the tunnel and 2 beneath. Can someone give me some clues here? Some
>directions based on known landmarks on the bottom of the tranny?
>Everything else is ready (except my engine stand ;-) and I'm gettin'
>Thanks in advance.
> Matt Liggett, SysAdmin
> Kiva Networking
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