With my Lucas problem bypassed (not resolved) I came across another stumper of a
Major oil leak!!!!! not when running but when I shut off the engine about 1/2 a
pours out of the back of the pan. I do not have a cracked block or a hole in my
pan and it only pours out when the engine is off. Has to be ghosts!
I did get an A+ gasket set when I ordered parts but only eliminated the timing
cover gasket, the rest seemed to work, sump, and cork seals that is.
Problem #2 ---Why do my rear brake drums now grind against the back plates?
All I did was replace the shoes and wheel cylinders.
I did fix it by grinding 1/16" off the back of each drum.
Ghosts again? maybe just because it is warm this time of year in the East and
drums know it's winter?
And I thought I knew Sprites like the back of my hand! Boy am I loosing my
Frank Clarici
Too many Sprites