Ok, time for Speckman to defend his honor.
First, regarding the "Wisconsin ritual" for Team Thicko initiation that WST
refers too....
I defer to my toothless, tobaccy drooling, unshaven Uncles(and
brother)famous words...which, by the way, were stolen for the movie
"I like yo mouth." ...end of story.
Now about the cheatin dog stuff. My '59 Bugeye was found in a garage as put
away in 1974. It had last raced in 1972. The freeze plugs were popped and
it had four flat Goodyear Blue Streaks and a ton of mouse droppings in it.
I dragged it home, put in new freeze plugs and some gas. Fired it up and
that is how it has been competing for three years. Its a 948cc that was
built in 1972. I have not even taken the head off, or adjusted the valves.
Well, I take that back, I did adjust one valve, but it was fine, so I said
to hell with the rest. I always bring a ton(literally)of spares to the
track, but so far, they have all ended up in WST's car.
Ok, I did some safety upgrades, but other than that the car is pretty much
as raced in the '60's and early 70's. It got a new paint job last summer,
so that helps the looks of the thing, but believe me, it aint no cheatin dog.
Hell, it still has the smooth case tranny and 9 spring 948cc clutch. With
that gearox, I have to run it up to 9000 rpm before shifting into 4th gear
or the RPM drop kills you. Talk about throwing out an anchor. And the
clutch is no match for a race 948 engine.
Even with all these disadvantages, it is faster than most 1275 Bugeyes and
only a tick or two slower than WST. When I finally wax his ass, whats he
gonna say then? And that time is coming, he knows it. Why else do you
think he is constantly refering to me as a "cheatin dog"? Looking for early
excuses, is my guess.
At 07:23 AM 1/8/98 -0600, Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>Around here we have the pleasure of racing with a "vintage" Sprite that cost
>the owner well over $50k (he has 3 of them).
>We in now way mean to diminish your efforts in the Spec Sprite class. I
>looked at the proposed rules for modifications and had a few problems with
>them. Also, I can assure you that my very legal 948cc MKII Sprite cost far
>less than the $8k estimate I've seen for the Spec Sprites.
>We publicly flog cheaters... in print and in person.
>Team Thicko
>Rick Doig wrote:
>> Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>> >
>> > Rich,
>> >
>> > For a small fee, I can provide you with some of Elmo Mancici and Black
>> > Bart's cheatin' dog tricks....
>> >
>> > WST
>> > Flounder
>> > Team Thicko