Apple Hydraulics will exchange yours for rebuilt ones for about $70.00 US each.
Another alternative is to purchase new bushings from them and install them
yourself for about $16.00 US a side. I did the latter and it worked out fine.
Hope this helps.
Dave Formstone
1960 Bugeye
From: Kroyell[]
Sent: January 5, 1998 23:15 PM
Subject: Re: Question: A-Arms
In a message dated 1/4/98 9:37:05 PM, you wrote:
>I have been tearing down the front end of my 74 midget and it was in
>really bad shape. I think I will have to replace the left A-arm, but
>before I do, I have to ask a question.
>On the outer, under side of the trunnion pin there is what I thought at
>first was a huge crack in the outer edge, or lip of the A-arm. After
>lurking on the list for a long time, I thought it was a crack from the
>trunnion pin and thought the A-arm was ruined.
>So, I went to my 72 parts car and started to remove the A-arm on it and
>guess what...I found almost the exact same damage on it also. It
>appears now after closer look that the arm has maybe been hit by some
>object or the car ran over something and it tore the lip of the A-arm.
>Is this repairable? Have I described the damage properly to determine?
>I was wondering if this damage could be straightened and welded?
>Should I just go ahead a find a good replacement? Comments...Please...
I've been working on the front suspension on my '72 and have found the same
problem on it as well as the parts from the '70 parts car I have. It seems we
are fighting a losing battle when it comes to the design of the lower fulcrum
pin attachment. Between the stripped out sloppy fit that most spridgets will
reveal and the damage from objects striking them the lower A-arms will cause
all of us a problem at some time.
My horror story continues when I triad to save money and buy "excellent used
units" from one of the recycle yards. The "Good" people at "British Miles"
sold me a set of unmatched (one old style and one new) arms. The older of the
two actually did have good fulcrum bushings and the newer one was way too
loose. I sent them back (about 3000mi away) and made it clear what my needs
were and gave them the chance to make it right by refunding my money or
sending another set. The next set (no refund yet) where worse than the first
and had to be sent back as well. From the time I first ordered with them to
the time I got my refund was about 9 weeks. I really wanted to drive the car
last summer but that didn't happen. I have not tried the rebuilders and would
still be curious if anyone out there has had success with them?? By the time
you pay for shipping to send your cores to them is the savings still there???
So the moral of the story is bite the bullet and buy new units???
Good luck