I forgot one thing.
This probably seems like the smallest of minor details, but...when I
started reassembling my Midget, I went to the local Orchard Supply
Hardware, and bought new bolts and nuts (on many separate trips). Mostly
grade 5, a few grade 8, standard or nylock nuts depending on where they
were going. If this is not out of your budget, I can't recommend it too
highly. After rebuilding other LBCs and just reusing nasty, cruddy bolts,
sometimes having to fix the threads, this car was a breeze. When I needed
a bolt...there it was, and it went in so easily, and the head hadn't been
beat on or almost rounded off by some PO or another. I know it probably
seems kinda silly, but I'll never do another one any other way.
Also, I got 3 plastic divided organizers and labeled them: 1/4, 3/8, and
1/2, and since practically all the fasteners are these sizes (mostly 1/4
and 3/8), in fine thread BTW, I could keep them all handy and organized.
Just a helpful hint from,
ps - I bet that many of you on the list are starting to think that I'm some
sort of neat freak after some of the 'helpful hint' posts I have sent...the
fact is I AM THE KING OF SLOBS, and HAD to find a way of keeping things
from getting lost or out of hand when dealing with the hundreds of tiny
parts of my beloved LBCs.
At 5:31 AM -0800 1/6/98, J. Adrian Barnes wrote:
>What is the longest time one can go without reassembling the car before
>you forget what everything is and where it went? I have moved my poor
>project around so much in the last few months. It is spread out over
>three locations, and slowly trickling over to the house I just bought.
>I am remodeling the house (mostly because I have to, to make it
>liveable), so the garage is full of trash, and now, midget parts. I was
>looking over the mess this weekend and it was very discouraging.
>*sigh* I started this thing almost a year ago now, and can't make
>headway at all. Worked on it some last month and found the machine shop
>put the rods on the pistons backwards. I looked closely at my newly
>remanufactured head and there is a bit of rust developing on it where it
>has been sitting. Oh well...I guess one of these days I will be able to
>work on it again.
>J. Adrian Barnes