There sure are a lot of other "speed" tricks I'd attend to on a Sprite
before I'd resort to this unless you're trying to shave a few 10ths of a
second a lap off a race Sprite's lap times....
Team Thicko
Frank Clarici wrote:
> Mark Endicott wrote:
> > I have been playing with a set of HS2's for my 1275. One of
> Vizard's
> > suggestions to increase flow is to make the throttle shaft narrower
> > and file off the screws that protrude into the opening. I am aware
> > that I don't want them coming loose and being sucked into the
> engine.
> > The screws are between a 4-40 and a 6-32. Does anybody know what
> size
> > they really are? I thought I might put new brass screws in the
> > narrowed shaft and then solder them in so they won't come loose.
> Any
> > better ideas like lock tight or good old J B Weld?
> >
> File off the screws and use locktite.I haven't lost one yet. (knock
> wood)
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Too many Sprites