You have our sympathy. I think we have all had that situation once in our
lives, hopefully only once. My husband brought his Twin Cam MGA to a place to
get an engine rebuild in the mid-80s in DeKalb Ill., by the time he got the
car back it was disassembled, interior ripped out, wireing cut, paint
stripped, AND he needed a lawyer to reclaim his car. The guy was judgement
proof (didn't have a pot to......). so you just chalk it up to life and go
on------ that's the hard part. The advice he gave me was; do not become
"friends" with the person working on the car.... it is a business
relationship...... you do this, I'll pay you that. Put it in writing, exactly
what you expect to have accomplished. and keep in touch, visit OFTEN.
Other than that, DO IT YOUR SELF as Wm. Thompson suggested. That was probably
the best advice that anyone could have given on any subject........ in
particular old cars.
"Midget" Susan