I'll donate a Bugeye shell. Ya, its rusty, but its free.
It will fit nicely in a Horse Trailer.
Minister of DisInformation
Team Thicko
At 05:46 AM 11/7/97 -0500, Linda & Grant Plank wrote:
>I'll be brief.
>While the thread, I'm sure, is somewhat tongue in cheek, I'd like to
>remind all of you of our responsibility to others. Now I don't want to
>sound like anyones' Mom, but, what about all those unfortunate people in
>Mt. Elgin (Canada) who don't even OWN an Austin Healey? Huh? What about
>them? I'll bet they would just LOVE to have even ONE of these problems.
>But no, they go about their lives ensuring that their wives have the
>best truck and horse trailer they can afford, and that the barn water
>will not freeze over for another winter. ; )
> At any rate - like I said, not a lecture, but, with Christmas
>coming, perhaps there should be a central location in, I don't know,
>say, Mt. Elgin for donations of hitherto unappreciated Healey parts.
>Hey, it could even be on my farm!
> Just a thought.
> Grant Plank (no replacement for the beautiful Healey that my ex-wife
>has - YET!)