I'm off to the Haynes manual. Both sections of the tube are in place, the
aero effects seem send some of it backward to the tailpipe. This is the
first time I've bought a car already restored, and, even though I knew the
guy, it really stinks when you don't know exactly how it went together.
Ron Soave
'61 Bugeye
> From: Pete & Caroline Phillips <phillipp@cfw.com>
> To: Ron Soave <redlotus@spacey.net>
> Cc: Larry G. Miller <millerls@classic.msn.com>; Sprite list
> Subject: Re: SU dashpot and crank venting
> Date: Sunday, November 02, 1997 10:03 AM
> Sounds like the baffle on the push rod cober may not be there. A little
> drip from the tube is normal. Are both sections of the vent tube still
> there? The second tube should vent the oil down the side of the engine,
> not on the exhaust.
> Pete Phillips
> 61 Bugeye
> Waynesboro, VA
> >
> > How much (if any) crankcase vent discharge is normal? My engine is
> > free otherwise (and at idle), but after any sustained driving I get a
> > lot of discharge from the tube (it looks a lot like Amy Turner's Bugeye
> > cursor). I suspected blowby, but the oil didn't blacken up as is the
> > norm. The engine is relatively new, so I thought maybe the rings
> > seated, but I get good compression (150-160 on all 4). Exhaust pipe
> > discharge is also clean. I know the vent tube is supposed to use a
> > slight vacuum effect at speed as a draw through agent, but this happens
> > to the extent that oil drips on the exhaust pipe and fogs up the garage
> > like an opium den after I shut the car off after any significant drive.
> > The oil fill cap vent is fine as well. Anyone else get this discharge,
> > and how much?