The Bums charged me for the first catalog, but did refund on my first order.
They also list Distributors in Littleton Colorado, Phoenix Arizona, Baltimore
Maryland, Delray Beach Florida, plus San Fernando and Sonoma in California.
If you check their web page you can get on their mailing list. Every couple
of months they send out a flyer with monthly specials.
From: on behalf of Editors, Molecular Vision
Sent: 21 October, 1997 12:53 PM
To: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: Mini Mania..WAS Re: Workshop Manual
The Doraville store is gone. They sent me a Sprite catalog for free when I
asked for it via their web form. It's got a lot of info beyond just parts.
>Mini Mania is primarily a "Mini" store as the name would imply. They are
>somewhat of an expert on Sprites. They are only of use to Midget owners for
>parts that are inter-changeable. The web site is "";
>have store in Milpitas, CA and Doraville, GA. They have a sprite catalog but
>if I remember correctly its $8.
>Larry Miller
Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Senior Editor, Molecular Vision
(404) 778-4113 Phone
(404) 778-2231 FAX