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Re: Checking in

To: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net (spridgets)
Subject: Re: Checking in
From: "Roger Garnett" <rwg1@cornell.edu>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 12:22:40 -500
Comments: Authenticated sender is <rwg1@postoffice2.mail.cornell.edu>
In-reply-to: <009BBFAD.7F893EA0.205@kenyon.edu>
Organization: Wayward Sports Car Centre
Reply-to: "Roger Garnett" <rwg1@cornell.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
On 19 Oct 97 at 0:22, mathysj@kenyon.edu wrote:

> cars manufactured after the Sprite was discontinued cannot
> accurately be called "Spridgets".  

Sure can- the term referrs to the fact that they all use the same basic body 
pan, suspension, and running gear. I might grant an exception for the '75-79 
cars, as molested by B(FS)L- they can be reffered to as Midge-fires, or 
Spit-gets, or possibly just "an abomination", depengine on your view.

 Roger Garnett  (Roger-Garnett@cornell.edu)  http://www.wayward.team.net/
                  "The Wayward Sports Car Centre"
      "All donations of stray, orphaned, odd, neglected, etc.
       sports cars and bits in need of a good home accepted."
        "The drop off bin is right there- behind the barn..."

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