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[Spits] OT: looking for folks in the Dayton, Ohio, area willing to test

Subject: [Spits] OT: looking for folks in the Dayton, Ohio, area willing to test-drive a car
From: zoboherald at aol.com (Andrew S. Mace)
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:59:55 -0400 (EDT)
[Apologies if this ultimately shows up several times; apparently last night's
attempt to post to the lists failed....]

A friend of mine here in the Albany (NY) area is looking at a car (Hyundai
Tiburon) in Dayton, Ohio. If there is anyone reading this in or near that area
who would be willing to test-drive the car, please let ME know directly, and I
will put you in touch with my friend.

Thanks, and sorry to bomb the lists like this.

--Andy Mace

*Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?
*Man: Well, no ... It's not so much of a jet, it's more your, er, Triumph
Herald engine with wings.
-- Cut-price Airlines Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus (22)

Triumph 10 / Herald / Sports 6 vehicle consultant, The Vintage Triumph
Register: http://www.vtr.org

Check out the North American Triumph Sports 6 (Vitesse 6) and Triumph Herald
Database: http://triumph-herald.us

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  • [Spits] OT: looking for folks in the Dayton, Ohio, area willing to test-drive a car, Andrew S. Mace <=