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[Spits] speedometer stopped working

Subject: [Spits] speedometer stopped working
From: buss3 at rogers.com (Grant Buss)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 20:18:33 -0500
My speedometer stopped working properly a few years ago. Now it is sort of
right at one point (around 60) and the further away from that point the more
different it is, compared to my GPS.
I have changed speedometer, cable and the 90 degree connecter. I think the,
whetever in the transmition is not working. I don't want to take the trans
apart,unless it is a simple fix. I think you can't buy the part.

Some place I heard or saw someone used an electric speedometer that used a
pickup near the end of the driveshaft to sense the revolutions. Does anyone
know of this ???

Thank you

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