Thanks to all who responded so quickly.
> ...preventing the pedal from coming up all the way.
The problem I have with this explanation (and all similar) is that if the pedal
doesn't come up all the way it would also start its next journey down from that
same depressed position. (My clutch pedal is depressed? Should it see a
therapist?) Displacement at one end equals displacement at the other, and the
total volume in the system shouldn't change unless one moves and the other
doesn't. On the other hand, I can't discount all y'all's experiences either.
they certainly fall in with Dave M's suggestion that the fluif return valve
isn't working.
Time for new hydraulics unless I happen to have rebuild kits already on my
shelf and the cylinder bores are in good shape. In any case, I really needed
one more thing to do. :-)
Tanks again!
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