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Re: [Spits] Greetings one and all

To: "'Joe Curry'" <spitlist@cox.net>, "'John Macartney'"
Subject: Re: [Spits] Greetings one and all
From: "Bill Gingerich" <bill@gingerich.us>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 20:21:03 -0600
John & Joe,

I'll second Joe's comment that feeling festive is proving to be problematic
for many this year.  I too am unemployed, and may soon be forced to sell my
house, rather than lose it to foreclosure.  From a personal financial
perspective, I'm in the worst shape in the 35 years of my adult life.  That
being said, I'm not dead yet, and as long as I'm breathing, I believe there
are possibilities.  Perhaps 2009 will see those possibilities come to

With that, I will wish everyone the best of the Holiday Season, and a very
Happy New Year!  May the future bring all of us the joy, prosperity, and
renewal we need.

Bill G
'74 Spitfire


-----Original Message-----
From: spitfires-bounces@autox.team.net
[mailto:spitfires-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Joe Curry
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 7:56 PM
To: 'John Macartney'; triumphs@autox.team.net; spitfires@autox.team.net;
Subject: Re: [Spits] Greetings one and all

Perhaps the economy is so bad that most people are not feeling particularly
festive this year.

Being unemployed myself, I can certainly vouch for the dismal feelings that
are accompanying this holiday season.

But I try to make the best of it and will be having both my kids and their
families here this year.  So it can't be all bad.


-----Original Message-----
From: spitfires-bounces@autox.team.net
[mailto:spitfires-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of John Macartney
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 16:46
To: triumphs@autox.team.net; spitfires@autox.team.net; 6-Pack
Subject: [Spits] Greetings one and all

Over the ten + years I've been reading the daily missives from these lists,
I've never known it so 
late before the usual Christmas Greetings have started going out. Maybe list
janitors have put a 
block on them and surely I can't be the first?
So, if they haven't filtered Seasons Greeting notes to the trash-can, a very
Happy Christmas to you 
and your families - and I greatly look forward to being able to put many
faces to names as I 
complete my Canada and U.S. odyssey next year. Being now completely
Triumph-less, I'm also looking 
forward to reading (in a few days time) of how many 'best beloveds' have
invested in bottom end 
gasket sets, reliable flasher units, non-squeaking clutch release bearings,
6-3-1 exhaust 
manifolds - and other 'essentialatum' for you all.
Therefore, "Happy Christmas" and remember, whatever you do over the holiday
that you enjoy, it's 
probably a sin :)


Originator of The Triumph Trans-America Charity Drive 2009

An event for full TRIUMPH Enthusiast participation 



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