I just made some gaskets from sheet rubber for my
1979. I was a terrible job since the gaskets are razor
thin in several critical areas. I finally mounted a
roughed out gasket and handle to an old door and cut
the outside shape with an X-acto knife. Results were
just OK. The fiber based gaskets sold by the usual
suspects are horrible and deteriorate quickly. The bad
news is that I saw a 121 mile 80 Spitfire at the VTR
Nationals and it had the fiber gaskets and they were
deteriorated. If you find a good source for gaskets,
let me know.
Best Regards,
John Reynolds
--- Roger Elliott <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> When I had the Spitfire repainted, I put new gaskets
> on. Before I put
> them on I painted them to seal out the moisture. I
> don't remember now
> if I used black paint or a rubberized coating. They
> looked fine for a
> while but soon started looking horrible, I assume
> from absorbing
> moisture. It seems like I remember a comment on
> this list a few years
> ago about someone supplying rubber door gaskets.
> Does anyone remember who that was? If I can't find
> them I may by a
> normal set of gaskets and cut my own out of rubber.
> Thanks,
> Roger
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