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Heat Shield

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Heat Shield
From: "The Family Jefferson" <pnhnt@insight.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:33:04 -0400
Hi all, 

I am about to put a set of SU Carburetors on my 75 Spitfire. I am doing as
much research as I can on heat shields that have installed on their Spits.  

Mark Jones has sent a nice set of images, a template, and a materials
resource. I also have Paul Teglers template. Each mount a bit different;
Marks mount from under the manifold into the course screw holes, where as
Pauls appear mount to the manifold at the same place the carbs do. 

Can anyone go over the advantages/disadvantages, or provide an alternative
method of shielding the carburetors?

Thank you,


Howard Jefferson
75 Spitfire 1500

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of Blank 

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