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Miata seats

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Miata seats
From: george.r.parker@att.net
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 16:11:59 +0000
Nope, I don't have them in my car, so I can't offer any installation advice.  
But, in resply to Richard Gosling's noting that the Miata seats offer better 
lateral support, I can offer this observation - As Rob Getzinger noted that 
being 5' 10" has a side benefit, maybe having a fat butt is finally paying off 
for me, as I rarely slide laterally in my Spit's stock seat!  :-)
George P. 
NASS #290 
'78 Spit 1500 
Ruther Glen, VA

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