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79 Spitfire Air cleaner

To: Spitfires <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: 79 Spitfire Air cleaner
From: Roger Elliott <elliottr@rmi.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 18:46:52 -0600
Sorry if this hits the list twice, the first one I sent from a different 
email account and don't think it got through.

A friend of mine has a Spitfire with the original air cleaner housing 
and wants to replace the filter.   It has been a long time since I tried 
to get one of these apart, but as I recall, the plate on the carb side 
is just pushed into the  housing.  We tried to separate the 2 pieces, 
but they don't want to come apart.
Is there some trick to getting the 2 pieces apart?  Was I just not using 
enough force?


Roger Elliott

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