Ugh, this was not fun.
On my 3rd day off, I decided it's time to finally do this.
Did the usual bit of drilling into the sump pump hole. I have a feeling the
misdrillings of before
would come back to bite me.
It did.
Anyways, I grew tired of drilling and drilling, and got about 55% of the way
in, enough for one helicoil
thing to get in there.
So I bored out the hole in my mock-up oil pump block(made of wood) so the
tapper could get through there. Wanted
it to be perfectly straight.
I tapped it and that seemed to be fine. Had some difficulty getting the
heli-coil in there, but the 2nd try worked out.
Had to chop off the extra stuff with a careful dremel.
So now was the moment of truth. Thankfully, the new pump bolts came in. The
threads were ever so slightly shorter than the
originals. But considering how worn the originals were, I went with them anyway.
Unfortunately, the heli-coiled bolt hole wouldn't catch on the tthreads. After
several tries, I went back to an old(good)
bolt, some extra washers(to compensate), and put some English into it. I pulled
HARD to one side(to the right) while screwing it in, and that
did the trick.
Then I CAREFULLY torqued the remaining 2 bolts on. Didn't go crazy like last
time trying to get 20 lbs/foot like the manual
says. On the web, it said 13 for that style of bolt.
It looks ugly, but the pump doesn't wiggle about. I guess on next oil change
I'll feel for any clanky washers. I hope this fits.
Also hand-cranked the engine just to see if things would get weird at the pump.
No signs of activity, so good.
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