Greetings, fellow listers,
OK, this is going to sound either way off the wall, or very AR. Has anyone
ever computerized the factory parts lists for the Spit or GT6 in Excel,
Access or anything like that? I'm taking some database classes and need to
design a database as an individual project. One of the things I've always
wished I had was an inventory system for all of the parts I've collected
over the years. What I'm thinking of doing is creating the parts database,
creating bar codes for each part using factory numbers, labeling the parts,
scanning them into the database, assigning a location, and then storing the
parts in those locations. The goal, of course, is to know what I have, and
where it is. I'd also like to create bills of material for various
sub-assembles like transmissions, doors, etc that I have. That way I could
enter a 3 rail gearbox into the inventory, and reflect those parts in the
totals. And in answer to your questions:
Yes, I am crazy!
No, I do not have more time than I know what to do with.
Yes, I am AR.
Because this could be really cool, at least to a geek.
Yes, you can have a copy of the database when I get it done.
Bill Gingerich
Lake Crystal, MN
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